неділя, 31 січня 2016 р.

Vocabulary Games

3-letter words
Procedure. Students are put into two groups to see which can come up with the most number of words beginning with a certain letter, e.g. "B": bag vs bug - ban vs bun - bat vs but - big - bus - buy

A to Z
Procedure. Teacher thinks of a theme, probably related to what has recently been done in class. The first student has to think of a word beginning with “a” related to the theme, the second student a word beginning with “b” so on to the end of the alphabet.

Compound Nouns
Procedure. The teacher writes a word on the board, for example foot, and the students make as many compound nouns as possible. In this case footballfootpathfootnote etc.

Word Snakes
Procedure. Starts with the teacher or any student and goes around the class. The first person thinks of a word and the next has to think of another beginning with the last letter of the previous word, e.g., thinkkeyyes, etc.

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