четвер, 29 грудня 2016 р.

Тиждень англійської мови в Стриганецькому НВК

День 2
 Брейн-рейн для учнів 5-7 класів
"This Amazing English"

Round 1

The first round of our contest is called “How much do you know?” Your task is to read the sentences and decide if they are correct or incorrect.

1.     Nile is the longest river in the world.
2.     A desert is drier than a rainforest.
3.     The Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
4.      New York is colder than Florida.
5.     Geography is easier than maths.
6.     A dolphin is more intelligent than an elephant.
7.     Football is the most popular sport in the UK.
8.     July is hotter than April,
9.     Russia is the biggest country in the world.
10.   The capital of Spain is Barcelona.

Round 2

Ланцюжок слів» (The chain).
Командам дається вихідне слово, з якого вони за 2 хвилини повинні скласти ланцюжок, де остання буква попереднього слова є першою буквою подальшого слова. Виграє команда, у чиїй ланцюжку більше слів.
Наприклад: cat - toy - yellow - white - eleven і т.д.

Round 3

The third round is called “Running Dictation”. The text is placed on the blackboard opposite you. You change in walking to the text, reading and remembering as many words as possible, then run back to your partners and dictate what you remember. The second pupil then goes to the text and finds the place where the first one finished. You repeat it until the text is complete.

Judo and kendo
Judo and kendo are martial arts. There are no weapons used in judo. The word judo means ‘gentle way’. In a judo school, the colour of the belt tells what level a student has reached. Beginners start with a red belt, then, after a test, move on to white. The next belts are yellow, orange, green, blue, brown and, finally, black.

Round 4

The fourth round is called “Wordchain”. Your task is to make up as many words as possible.

Round 5

The sixth round is called “Captains’ Contest”. Your task is to answer the questions:
1.     What is the capital of Great Britain? (London)
2.     What is the capital of Ukraine? (Kyiv)
3.     What day of the week is after Wednesday? (Thursday)
4.     What part of the day is after night? (morning)
5.     When do the English people celebrate Christmas? (25 December)
6.     When do the English people celebrate Halloween? (31 October)
7.     Where does a fish live? (in the river, pond, lake, sea)
8.     Where does a fox live? (in the wood)
9.     Where do we buy food? (at the supermarket)
10.                       A box which shows us films? (TV set)
11.                       How much is 5+8? (thirteen)
12.                       How much is 5+10? (fifteen)
13.                       People whose profession is singing. (singers)
14.                       A man whose profession is to fly in the sky. (pilot)
15.                       How many sisters did Cinderella have? (two)
16.                       Who ate Kolobok? (a fox)
17.                       How old was Harry Potter when he was taken to the Hogwarts School? (11)
18.                       What were Harry Potter’s friends’ names? (Ron and Germiona) 
19.                       What colour was Malvina’s hair? (blue)
20.                       What was Pinocchio made of? (wood)
Round 7

Без праці не витягнеш і рибки зі ставка.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Друг пізнається в біді .
A good makes Jack a good Jill.
У доброго чоловіка і дружина хороша.
A cat in gloves catches no mice.
Двом смертям не бувати, а однієї не минути.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Краще синиця в руках, ніж журавель у небі.
A man can do no more than he can.
Вище голови не стрибнеш.
A man can die but once.


Round 8
1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d, 5-e, 6-f, 7-g, 8-h, 9-I, 10-j, 11-k, 12-l, 13-m,  14-n, 15-o, 16-p, 17-q, 18-r, 19-s, 20-t, 21-u, 22-v, 23-w, 24-x, 25-y, 26-z

I choose to be happy today

9   3 8 15 15 19 5    20 15    2 5    8 1 16 16 25   20 15 4 1 25  

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